public class Main {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        new ArrayList();
        ArrayList<String> Students = new ArrayList<String>(); // main arraylist
        System.out.println("Students List: " + Students);
        ArrayList<String> Students2 = new ArrayList<String>(); //second arraylist to add to main arraylist
        Students2.add("Mr Mortensen");
        Students.addAll(Students2); //adds elements from second array to main array
        System.out.println("Students List with students added from second array: " + Students);
        System.out.println("Number of Students: " + Students.size());
        Students2.clear(); //clear an ArrayList
        System.out.println("Second array emptied: " + Students2);
        System.out.println("The second array is empty: " + Students2.isEmpty());
        if (Students.contains("Mr Mortensen") == true) {
            Students.remove("Mr Mortensen");
            System.out.println("Mr. Mortensen removed and students sorted alphabetically: " + Students);
        else {
            System.out.println("Students sorted alphabetically: " + Students);
        System.out.println("2nd student from sorted list: " + Students.get(2));
        var b = Students.indexOf("Samuel");
        System.out.println("Samuel is the " + b + "th person in the list");
        System.out.println("Amount of students: " + Students.size());
        System.out.println("Is bob part of the list: " + Students.contains("bob"));
        System.out.println("Hashcode of list: " + Students.hashCode());
Students List: [Samuel, Kian]
Students List with students added from second array: [Samuel, Kian, Calissa, Evan, Mr Mortensen]
Number of Students: 5
Second array emptied: []
The second array is empty: true
Mr. Mortensen removed and students sorted alphabetically: [Calissa, Evan, Kian, Samuel]
2nd student from sorted list: Kian
Samuel is the 4th person in the list
Amount of students: 4
Is bob part of the list: false
Hashcode of list: -2125894581